Night Entangled, by Diana Vosburg
I'm in bed this morning, going through emails, doing the facebook thing and basically trying to take my thoughts away from the fact I feel as if someone filled my head with burning goo. Yes, I caught the dreadful summertime cold. Colds are bad enough but in the summertime they're even worse. Period. I have gotten through a book and a half though and have taken this opportunity to catch up with my blog. That is good. Anyway, enough about me. Back to this amazing painting....
I receive a publication in the mail called artscope magazine....New England's culture magazine. Through the same organization I get regular emails with updates about regional artists, art shows, juried exhibits, galleries, etc. I think they do a really nice job getting the word and images out about a lot of really talented artists of high caliber and the galleries and museums that represent them.
Today's email highlights the above painting:
Night Entangled, by Holliston Mill Artist Dianna Vosburg
I love what looks to be her everyday subject matter. Is it grass? If so the grass takes on a whole life or persona of it's own, with the way it interacts with the starry sky and it's root system below. It looks like the grass is involved in some kind of elaborate dance. I think it really is. A dance where what lies above and beneath are all one. Oh, and what gorgeous color too!