A Year for Creating

2012 looms ahead, an empty, blank, snow white canvas awaiting to be painted and marked upon with life experiences.  It's a place where color, dreams and imaginings will become reality. Although I'm not a resolution setter I look to the new year as a marker of time. I look back on the previous year and reflect on what came to be and look ahead to the space waiting to filled with intentions, goals and good work.

I hung my new calendar with January's page gleaming at me, bright and shining, ready to be marked upon with appointments, dates with friends and all that kind of stuff. Then I went into my studio and rearranged things, cleaned things up and began preparing three big canvases with gesso for new paintings that are longing be birthed from my heart and mind into something real.

The canvases and the year mirror each other in their meaning to me. Here we go... off for a ride which is a year of creating on many levels.

I wish for all of you health and happiness in 2012. I believe this year brings us an opportunity, a moment to create our ideals both personally and in the world with others. I wish for a year of great transitions and positive creation.

On New Year's Day I headed out to the woods behind my house and walked on and connected with my land and my two walking companions. It was a warm, beautiful day. We hiked back until we hit a musical stream and then decided to follow it down, down, down the mountain through moss covered rocks, a young hemlock grove, iced rocks and green ferns. At the ending of the trail we came to the beaver pond and admired the different landscape with dried grasses, trees, open space, and a beaver dam. Here are some pictures taken the other day when I went back to revisit all the beautiful things I saw on January 1st. This time of year it is strange to see so much green in the forest. It's one of the blessings of not having snow on the ground by now. Snow is the more common reality. For now I admire the green while I anticipate the snows I hope will fall. Please enjoy the winter green as I did the other day...