First Year

Kazmir has had a very good start in life. The past couple of weeks I've been feeling reflective, emotional and hopeful as we marked the coming and going of Kaz's first birthday on June 29th.

I've reflected on his birth, the evening turning to morning when we worked hard to welcome him to this world.  It was a joyful birth and now I can say from experience we have a joyful little man on our hands . I've been thinking about those first weeks at home when I learned so much and grew so much. Kaz has been one of my best teachers. All along, not just those first weeks, but this whole year. I imagine this is one of his roles as we share our lives: mother and son.

I've been feeling emotional. How could this year have passed so quickly and yet in moments seem to go so slowly? I'm feeling a certain amount of joy and sadness. Everyday we welcome something new in him and about him and at the same time let go and say goodbye to another phase of growing. Little habits that are so endearing in the moment like his newborn cry,  his crooked smile, him laying in bed for hours nursing and cuddled against me have faded into memories as I now chase a speedy, curious crawler, stander, cruiser and drawer re-arranger around the house during his waking hours. This kid does not sit still!

I'm hopeful, a bit superstitious or maybe just a romantic. At any oppurtunity I look at the stars and make a wish for Kaz and his life. I say a prayer and Kaz is first on my heart and mind. We blow out his first birthday candle on a homemade cherry pie we share with my parents and a coconut pound cake we share with Josh's family and I close my eyes tight as my heart fills with so much love and hope for my little guy and his big life that lies ahead.

I pray and wish for his life to be LONG and filled with LOVE, BEAUTY, GOOD HEALTH and MUCH JOY. Happy Birthday Kazmir.

Something Else I've Been Creating...

As you can see, I have been working on another important creation for awhile. A baby and my belly grew and grows as I work on card designs, gouaches, paper cuts and a small business plan. This past fall and winter leading through the spring to early summer is a time of important creativity. We anticipate the arrival of our first little one in early July. 

I've been holding off on writing about this big development openly on my blog as it's been a personal, quiet time that Josh and I have been enjoying these past months. Yet as I head into my third trimester it feels good to really bring this reality out as there are thoughts I'm sure I'll want to share and many things in my life and work that will reflect the changes happening.

It's been a time of much anticipation, excitement and change. It's curious and interesting to me that I'm preparing to give birth to my creative business around the same time of giving birth to this being and welcoming him or her into Josh's and my life. I'm reaching a new stage in my adult life and I'm enjoying this rite of passage. Although, to honest, there are also those awake early morning, 3am, thoughts swirling around my head wondering if I can pull all this off? wondering what it will be like to be a new mom? thinking about the preparations that need to happen for the baby's arrival and looking forward to meeting the little one face to face. 

It is a time of wondrous wonderings.